Minutes: January 22nd, 2008

The regular business meeting of the Catawba Island Township Board of Trustees was called to order by chairman William Rofkar at 7:30 p.m. on January 22, 2008 in the conference room.  Present were William Rofkar, Robert Schroeder, Gary Mortus, Pat Cerny, Jack DeVore, James Stouffer, Bryan Baugh and Brian Wheal.  The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance.  Robert Schroeder made a motion to approve and accept the  minutes of the last meeting seconded by Gary Mortus.  Robert Schroeder, aye; Gary Mortus, aye; William Rofkar, aye.  Gary Mortus made a motion to approve and pay the bills in the amount of $42,757.91 including the last payroll seconded by Robert Schroeder.  Gary Mortus, aye; Robert Schroeder, aye; William Rofkar, aye. 

Correspondence included request from Larry Fletcher, Ottawa County Visitors Bureau Executive Director, for a visit to a Trustee’s  meeting to give an update on activities and accomplishments; Mark Mulligan, seeking a contribution for the Ottawa County Drug Task Force; Helmut Wuersig, notice of retirement from employment with the Catawba Island Township Maintenance and Police Department as of January 31, 2008.  Richard Cordray, Ohio Treasurer stating all public funds managers attending the required training will be charged a certification fee.  Ottawa County Engineer, David Brunkhorst, regarding the Township Cooperative Program and the road reviews will be held in March.  Ottawa County Sheriff’s report for November and December.  Spoerr Precast Concrete invitation to their open house on February 13, 2008.

James Stouffer stated he has started to install a split rail fence on the edge of the golf course on Northwest Catawba Road and is looking for feedback.  The Trustees stated the fence looks nice. 

Bryan Baugh, vice-chairman of the Board of Zoning Appeals requested if the Trustees would consider an increase for the members of the Board. 

Gary Mortus stated he has received the annual report from the Catawba Island Township Police Department and will also be reviewing the equipment needs for the Police Department and the Fire Department.  Gary Mortus stated the Fire Department needs to replace six pagers for a price of $2550.00.

Gary Mortus made a motion to contribute $2000.00 to the Ottawa County Drug Task Force seconded by Robert Schroeder.  Gary Mortus, aye; Robert Schroeder, aye; William Rofkar, aye. 

Robert  Schroeder would like to see deer crossing signs on Route 53.  Gary Mortus  will have Bob Rogers check the sign manual.  Robert Schroeder would like to have the road paved to the compost area and would like an estimate from David Brunkhorst and also on the cemetery drainage matter.

Robert Schroeder made a motion to give the Board of Zoning Appeals and the Zoning Commission an increase of $15.00 per meeting seconded by Gary Mortus.  Motion carried unanimously.    

There will be a work session on Tuesday, January 29th at 7:00 p.m. in the conference room to approve the permanent appropriations. 

Robert Schroeder made a motion to accept Helmut Wuersig’s letter of resignation seconded by Gary Mortus.  Motion carried unanimously.

William Rofkar stated the maintenance position was advertised and several applications were received. .  William Rofkar made a motion to hire Ted Day as a full time maintenance person with a six month probationary period starting February 1, 2008 at $13.75 an hour seconded by Robert Schroeder.  William Rofkar, aye; Robert Schroeder, aye; Gary Mortus, aye.  The Trustees will begin doing yearly employee evaluations in the new year. 

Gary Mortus made a motion to adjourn seconded by Robert Schroeder.  Motion carried unanimously.  8:32 p.m.


For more information contact: Gary Mortus
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