Minutes: February 26th, 2008

The regular meeting of the Catawba Island Township Board of Township Trustees was called to order by chairman William Rofkar at 7:30 p.m. on February 26, 2008 in the conference room.  Present were William Rofkar, Robert Schroeder, Gary Mortus, Pat Cerny, Lynn Gaftozzi, Paul Shaw, Jack DeVore, Dan Nichols, James Stouffer and Larry Fletcher.  The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance.  Robert Schroeder made a motion to approve and accept the minutes of the last meeting seconded by Gary Mortus. Robert Schroeder, aye; Gary Mortus, aye; William Rofkar, aye.  Gary Mortus made a motion to approve and pay the bills in the amount of $44,832.73 including the last payroll seconded by Robert Schroeder.  Gary Mortus, aye; Robert Schroeder, aye; William Rofkar, aye.  

Correspondence included letter from Daniel and Jennifer Gaetano, Harbor Island residents, opposing the zoning change request from Harbor Island Development; Frank Harmon, Ohio Insurance Service Agency, Inc. thanking the Township for their business; Ottawa County Sheriff’s Office January month-end report; Ottawa County Emergency Management notice of Elected Officials Conference in the EOC on Thursday, March 13, 2008 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

Paul Shaw stated he is in attendance to present a minor deviation to the Vineyards on Catawba.  Lynn Gaftozzi represented the Vineyards on behalf of John Kocher, their attorney and explained the minor deviation stating they are establishing five separate lots as shown on Plat II and the only change other change is that the private roadway known as Vineyard Village Drive has now been extended eastward and includes the cul de sac at the end as it currently exists.  Vineyard Village Drive will remain a private drive.  The existing villas and residences will be converted into condominium units and future units that will be built in conformity to the existing PUD will also be sold as condominium units.  Gary Mortus asked why are they breaking out the five lots and if it is for ownership reasons or why now are they breaking out the five lots.  Paul Shaw stated the reason is when they filed the declaration to condominium,  if they file all the lot numbers one, two, three and five, they would have to start paying condo fees immediately on all the proposed homes shown.  They want to file this as an expandable condominium and to enable them to exclude the chalet from the condominium.  Gary Mortus made a motion to approve the minor deviation in regard to the existing PUD,  for The Vineyard on Catawba as outlined in the document received dated February 13, 2008 seconded by Robert Schroeder.  Gary Mortus, aye; Robert Schroeder, aye; William Rofkar, aye.

James Stouffer stated the appraisal was too high in regard to other schools that have been sold in the state.  The value is not there.  William Rofkar stated it is worth only what someone is willing to pay for it.  William Rofkar’s opinion is we should show interest in the school and see if they would be willing to cut off some of the acreage and bid it separately to accommodate that so we could get some land for the Community Hall.  He would prefer everything to go to an open auction forum.  James Stouffer stated if they were to go to an auction, as a resident here, he would like to see the Community Hall have a safer parking area and the township have the ability to expand the Community Hall if they so decide.  If James Stouffer participated in an auction he would ask to have it parceled out and  split this up fairly.  Gary Mortus stated he is only interested in acreage not the building.  William Rofkar stated if were to expand the Community Hall, would we want to expand that building that is old and inefficient.  Everything the township owns, building wise, is on Cemetery Road.  Is it worth putting the money in that property because it might end up being moved to Cemetery Road in the future.  Robert Schroeder stated he thinks the appraiser is wrong. 

Gary Mortus stated he had one meeting with an architect, at no cost to the township, in regard to the fire department to look at future needs for that building.  William Rofkar asked about the service needs of the EMS and Fire, not so much building needs.  Gary Mortus stated the building must be looked at first because of the possibility of putting full time people on the premise in the future.  EMS and Fire would work from the same building.  William Rofkar feels this should be discussed with the Fire Department and what the future holds. 

William Rofkar stated he received a quote from Edwards Landscaping for grinding for almost $30,000 and is waiting for a quote from Barnes Nursery.  William Rofkar made a motion to award the contract to DPMS Recycling Division (Norwalk Landscaping) in the amount of $14,237.00 seconded by Gary Mortus.  William Rofkar, aye; Gary Mortus, aye; Robert Schroeder, aye.    

Robert Schroeder stated there was a problem last night in regard to plowing with rocks in the right of way in Krempa Subdivision.  There was damage to the plows and trucks.  Robert Schroeder will talk to the County Engineer in regard to the right of way and have it staked.   If the rocks are in the right of way, they can be removed.  The west road has also created damage to our plows because of the abrasivness of the top coating.  William Rofkar stated our drivers are very careful when they plow.    

William Rofkar made a motion to enter into executive session to discuss the compensation of an employee seconded by Robert Schroeder.  William Rofkar, aye; Gary Mortus, aye; Robert Schroeder, aye.    William Rofkar made a motion to convene the regular business meeting seconded by Gary Mortus.  Motion carried unanimously.  Gary Mortus made a motion to adjourn seconded by Robert Schroeder.  Motion carried unanimously.



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