Minutes: May 13th, 2008

The regular meeting of the Catawba Island Township Trustees was called to order by chairman William Rofkar at 7:30 p.m. in the conference room on May 13, 2008.  Present were William Rofkar, , Gary Mortus, Pat Cerny Jack DeVore, Reggie Langford, Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. Duffy, Robert Snyder, Matt Montowski, and James Stouffer.  The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance. 

Gary Mortus made a motion to approve the minutes of the last meeting as received seconded by William Rofkar.  One correction stating Robert Rogers volunteered to help with a clean up on Sunset Drive.  Gary Mortus, aye, William Rofkar, aye.  Gary Mortus made a motion to approve the minutes of the zoning hearing of April 29, 2008 seconded by William Rofkar.  Gary Mortus, aye; William Rofkar, aye.  Gary Mortus made a motion to approve and pay the bills in the amount of $70,850.22 including the payrolls.  Gary Mortus, aye; William Rofkar, aye. 

Correspondence included , the Ottawa County Annual Report; ODOT inviting Ohioans to join in a “Transportation Conversation” to determine the type of transportation system the state needs for the future.  The Ottawa County Commissioner’s adopted revision of the Ottawa County Lodging Excise Tax Code of Regulations effective May 6, 2008; Bill Van Der Giessen questioning the Trustees of whether the Nor’easter Club could or could not be included in the PUD request now under consideration in the request for rezoning and asking the Trustees to seek a legal opinion; Dial 211 thank you for information update; Dennis E. Murray, Jr. thanking township for meeting with him at the business meeting; Mark Mulligan’s opinion in regard to vacation for township employees; Mark Mulligan’s opinion in regard to the Harbor Island bridge; copy of letter sent to Mr. Edward Wiza from Scott Young  Director of Environmental Health in regard to a complaint of a motor home being used as a residence and waste water.

Robert Snyder asked the Trustees to consider taking down the “no outlet” sign at the end of Muggy Road.  Mr. Snyder also asked if there are plans for Muggy Road in the future.  It will be rebuilt at some point in time and additional right of way will be needed.

Reggie Langford stated the Fallen Soldier Memorial did not hold up over the winter  and the  company in Bellevue picked it up and is replacing the stone. 

James Stouffer presented the fence layout to the Trustees showing the location, etc. as it was part of the landscaping mentioned in the original 2003 PUD (as amended).  All comments received were positive. 

Meredith Beck stated she is here with her friends asking if the Trustees would be interested in a dog park and putting it adjacent to the mulch area.  It requires an acre of property enclosed with a fence.  Gary Mortus suggested the ladies taking on a survey of how many would be interested in this facility.  William Rofkar stated there is 62 acres behind the Administration Building and also the nature trail for dog walking and Heigel Park.  The ladies thought putting something in the Beacon and then holding a meeting.

Pat Cerny has two estimates for the repair of the dump truck, one from Don’s Body Shop and one from Kens Auto Body. 

William Rofkar stated he spoke with Job and Family Services in regard to using a person for help in the Administration office from their new work program. 

William Rofkar made a motion to participate in the County road striping program this year seconded by Gary Mortus.  William Rofkar, aye; Gary Mortus, aye. 

William Rofkar stated in regard to the letter Bill Van Der Giessen wrote requesting a legal opinion about excluding the Nor’easter Club.   William Rofkar would like to discuss this with Ottawa Regional Planning and talk to Mark Mulligan only if need be.  Gary Mortus looks at the Club as commercial and it should be excluded.  William Rofkar will talk to Regional Planning.  William Rofkar stated he received the prints from the county on the cemetery drainage issue.  Prints were dropped off to Molnar Construction and Ken Gill.   Ken Gill is very busy at this time and a proposal was received from Molnar Construction in the amount of  $11,716.00.  The quote includes restoration also.  William Rofkar made a motion to award the contract for the cemetery drainage project to Molnar Construction in the amount of $11,716.00 per the County Engineer’s drawings seconded by Gary Mortus.  William Rofkar, aye; Gary Mortus, aye. 

Gary Mortus made a motion for adjournment seconded by William Rofkar.  Motion carried unanimously.



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