Minutes: June 12th, 2007

The regular business meeting of the Catawba Island Township Trustees was called to order by chairman Gary Mortus at 7:30 p.m. on June 12, 2007 in the conference room with all present.  Also present:  Jack DeVore, James Stouffer, Becky Swisher, Laura Hammond, Allison Falls, John Smothers, John Coppeler and Meredith Beck.  Gary Mortus began the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance. 

Robert Schroeder made a motion seconded by William Rofkar to approve the minutes of the last meeting as presented and posted.  All voted aye.  William Rofkar made a motion to approve and pay the bills seconded by Robert Schroeder in the amount of $87,821.11.

All voted aye. 

5487 Ottawa County Building Inspection Dept. $260.71
5488 Anthem Life Insurance Co. 544.67
5489 Barnes Nursery Inc. 1,256.00
5490 C.L. Fox Contractors, Inc. 750.00
5491 Catawba Island Township Fire Department 41.95
5492 D.R. Ebel Police and Fire Equipment 66.96
5493 Davenport Sign and Art, LLC 1,100.00
5494 Columbia Gas of Ohio 857.92
5495 Nextel Communications 331.80
5496 Verizon North 209.94
5497 S & D Industrial Supply Co. 37.50
5498 Signs and Blanks, Ltd. 316.80
5499 The Gordon Lumber Company 374.58
5500 William Moore, Jr. 860.79
5501 Frank Gates Service Company 2,725.00
5502 Ohio Insurance Services Agency, Inc. 108.94
5503 Ottawa County Sanitary Engineer 340.35
5504 First Communications 27.39
5505 Fire-Safety Services, Inc. 357.10
5506 FanMark, Inc. 43.00
5507 Port Clinton Hardware, Inc. 29.67
5508 Mobile-Vision, Inc. 175.45
5509 Port Clinton Ford Mercury 25.59
5510 Robert J. Hille, Ottawa County Treasurer 1,338.10
5511 Garner Sanitation Services, Inc. 83.50
5512 Ottawa Regional Planning Commission 1,578.50
5513 Sheppard Tree Service 250.00
5519 Molnar Construction, Inc. 16,700.00
5520 Bassett’s Market 176.64
5521 Ken Gill Construction Company 25,720.00
5522 Catawba Sporting Goods 444.50
5523 F.S.I. Disposal 293.00
5524 Beck Suppliers 4,742.36
5525 Postmaster 41.00
5526 Ottawa County Sanitary Engineer 31.00
5527 Bergman Farms 425.94
5528 Cintas Corporation 199.95
5529 Bill’s Implement Sales Inc., 35.95
5530 Barnes Nursery 431.72
5531 LaFarge North America Inc. 206.65
5532 Lakeland Auto and Marine 180.96
5533 Transmissions Unlimited, Inc. 1,558.47

Correspondence included; Time Warner Cable notification of new channels; Dini Connone letter in regard to high weeds on Caroline Street; Walter Wehenkel Ottawa Regional Planning Commission’s statement of the annual assessment to the township; Judi Halstead’s letter of thanks to the Maintenance staff for their help with tree limbs and branches; invitation to Township Association Meeting at Put-in-Bay on August 9.


Becky Swisher and Laura Hammond were in attendance for our risk management renewal  recommendations.  (Hylant Group)  Property values were increased 3% for inflation and there are a couple of new coverages.   


John Coppeler spoke representing the Park Board and gave the Trustees a copy of their May 14, 2007 meeting minutes and presented the Trustees with a Cedar Meadow Preserve Management Plan and asked for their approval.  This plan was adopted by the Park Board on April 9, 2007.  Included is a Volunteer Agreement and Release of Liability form.  William Rofkar is in favor of taking care of the trails. Robert Schroeder has a brush hog to use in the preserve.  There will do twenty-one acres, seven acres a year.  Gary Mortus made a motion that the Trustees accept the Cedar Meadow Preserve

Management Plan and the Park Board’s recommendations and also authorize a $5000.00 budget for the year 2007 seconded by  Robert Schroeder.  William Rofkar said machinery and chemicals should be discussed.  There is coverage under our policy for pollution coverage and the insurance company would require a copy of the herbicide license or  contract with a company.  Robert Schroeder, aye, Gary Mortus, aye, William Rofkar, nay.


Pat Cerny stated she will be going to court with the Bolte sign on Wednesday June 13.

She also has paperwork prepared for a junk vehicle.  Robert Schroeder made a motion to act on the junk vehicle seconded by William Rofkar.  All voted aye.  A complaint was received by Mr. Howard Catley, in regard to Heigel Park,  regarding noise, not stopping at the stop sign,  and he would like to see signage in regard to no alcoholic beverages in the Heigel Park. 


William Rofkar stated the restroom prep is almost completed and the noise will stop.  William Rofkar stated a stone apron around the restroom is needed and he talked to Gill about it and he will put a six foot stone apron around the restroom for $1,050.00.  William Rofkar made a motion to approve $1,050.00 for the stone work seconded by Gary Mortus.   William Rofkar, aye, Gary Mortus, aye, Robert Schroeder, nay. 

Robert Schroeder stated there was a water leak at the ramp.  The leak was after meter and the county accidentally fixed the leak. 


Gary Mortus stated the original expenditure for sewer and water fees for the Heigel Park

 restroom  was $17,000.00.  Gary Mortus and Robert Schroeder contested the fee and  it was reduced to $8000.00 by the Commissioners. 


Robet Schroeder made a motion to go into executive session to discuss personnel matters seconded by William Rofkar.  All voted aye.


William Rofkar made a motion to return to the regular meeting seconded by Robert Schroeder.  All voted aye.


Robert Schroeder made a motion to adjourn seconded by William Rofkar.  All voted aye.

For more information contact: Gary Mortus
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