Minutes: July 8th, 2003

     Catawba Island Township Trustees held their regular meeting on July 8, 2003 in the conference room with William Rofkar and Robert Schroeder present; also Pat Cerny, Ken Bogard, John Gangway, John Coppeler, Mike Prosser, James Davenport, Mike and Gene Singstock.


     Vice-Chairman William Rofkar opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.  A motion was made by Robert Schroeder and seconded by William Rofkar to approve the minutes of the previous meeting as submitted and to be posted.  Both voted aye.  A motion was made by Robert Schroeder and seconded by William Rofkar to pay bills in the amount of $20,427.69.  Both voted aye.

1001 Postmaster $74.00
1002 Ohio Insurance Services Agency, Inc. 86.95
1003 Treasurer, State of Ohio 660.00
1004 Gordon Lumber Co.   11.47
1005 Port Clinton Hardware Inc. 8.81
1006 A. T. Emmett, Inc. 1038.39
1007 Ottawa County Sanitary Engineer 352.39
1008 F.S.I. Disposal 244.00
1009 Columbia Gas of Ohio 360.63
1010 Ohio Edison Co. 1578.21
1011 Verizon North 50.02
1028-1035    VOID -
1036 AllTell 179.87
1037 First Communications 64.86
1038 The SanBay Co. 189.52
1039 Lake Erie Lock & Key 5.00
1040 Wal-Mart 100.89
1041 Smith Automotive Inc. 66.43
1042 Lakeland Auto & Marine 33.91
1043 Lang’s Body Shop LLC 354.00
1044 Disc Environmental Service, Inc. 612.50
1045 Beck Suppliers, Inc. 1787.42
1046 Cintas Corporation 104.50
1047 Ray’s Electronics 80.45
1048 United States Flag Service 42.00
1049 Bill’s Implement Sales 60.94
1050 Spoerr Precast Concrete, Inc 277.00
1051 News Herald 52.41
1052 Bassett’s 10.92
1053 Capital Tire, Inc.   174.72
1054 Cross.Net, Inc. 189.00
1055 Treasurer, State of Ohio 240.00

    Correspondence included letter from Ohio Division of Liquor Control to transfer D4 and D6 permits from CIC main clubhouse,pool & patio to CIC fitness Center requested by Catawba Island Club, Ottawa County On Page & Stage committee thank-you for use of Catawba Community Hall for play rehersals, OPERS notice of  contribution rates for 2004, Ottawa County Recorder regarding increase in filing fees for Zoning Resolutions and Amerndments, Bureau of Workers’  Compensation stating the new administrative cost assessment rate for year 2003, invitation to United Way Caring Giving Community ceremony at Catawba Bay on Monday July 14 at 11:00 a.m.

     Ken Bogard stated about a year ago he came to a meeting regarding all  the dirt and dredging piles on Catawba.  Has anything been  done on the heighth?

     Bill Rofkar stated they talked to the Ottawa Regional Planning Commission and the Prosecuting Attorney and the biggest problem is how to determine the heighth.

     Bob Schroeder stated dirt cannot be sold as that would make it commercial but it can be moved to other locations by the owner.

      Ken asked about the dirt along the road in front of  Speaker’s Pond? The dirt piles are getting higher and higher.

       Bill stated a plan for Planned Unit Development was submitted and approved by the Board.  There will be three holes  for golf and homes around the pond as shown on the plan.

      Ken asked about mosquito control in the Township being there is so much publicity about the West Nile Virous.

      Bill stated the only efficient way would be to have it sprayed by airplane and it has never been brought up before to have it done but no decision was made.

       Ken stated Township should have more street lights for protection especially on Porter Road and down around the point.

        Bill stated he should let the Board know if there is any specific place for a light and it will be looked into as Gary works for Ohio Edison.

        Attorney John Coppeler stated Ohio Department of Transportation frowns on the entrance onto North-east Catawba Road  so it has been changed.  The revised plan shows two less building lots and the main access will be off Muggy Road.  Looking for guidance on how to proceed with this revised plan.

         Bob Schroeder suggested talking to the County Engineer and get his suggestions and opinion.

Mike Prosser stated  when meeting with him Bob Steinmiller at that time didn’t matter which way the entrance went but the plan now shows everything off Muggy Road.  This was before we received the infor-mation from ODOT  so we didn’t get much support from Bob.

      Bob stated this will be a very busy intersection with this project and the one at the end of Muggy Road so feels should prod ODOT for a traffic light.

      John Coppler  stated  my question to the Board is more in terms of how to proceed in regard of sub-

Mitting this revised plan  of entrance off Muggy Road for consideration and approval under the Zoning Regulation.  Would these modifications be under your authority?

     Bill stated after getting guidance from Bob Stein miller a plan would need to be drawn up showing the modifications.

      Mike stated just received this information from ODOT last Thursday and will meet with Bob to get his approval.  Will try and work with ODOT to get a traffic light at that corner. There is a thirty foot right-of-way along Muggy Road as we are trying to make it as safe as possible. ODOT wants to eliminate every possible access to their roads.  Will modify the original approved PUD plan and bring it back to you.

     John Gangway stated the Fire Department has received information on the many changes and different regulations on the  breathing equipment and theirs will be outdated as of January 2004 so would like to replace the present ones.   On July 28 there will be new ones set up and are inviting the Fire Department, Ladies Auxiliary, Trustees and any residents interested in seeing the changes in the equipment and approach them about replacing nineteen that we have now at cost of $3200.00 each;  if not all at once maybe so many each year could be replaced.  Working on specifications for the new squad.

     Bill stated it was nice that Horton brought down that squad with all the amenities for demonstration.

 Pat Cerny read letter from Power Squadron thanking the Board for use of the Community Hall with no charge for their annual auction.  Had call from Nancy Barna complaing about the loud music at Mon Ami and  asked Bob Rogers about it and he had not received any other complaints.  Think letter should be sent to Donald Callahan to remove the junk boat and trailer at Johnson’s Landing.

      A motion was made by Robert Schroeder and seconded by  William Rofkar to adopt Resolution 2-25 for Fire Protection in Community Development (copy approved by the Prosecuting  Attorney attached).

The vote:  William Rofkar-aye,  Robert Schroeder-aye.

      Bob presented a drawing of duplex homes to be put up at LeMarin and Bill stated he thinks it was included in the PUD.  Talked to Tol-Testing Company in Toledo about the Unocal property and he suggested speak to a lawyer for acceptance of property that they would be responsible if anything happened in the future and should get a Phase I site assessment and that would cost $2100.00 so before hiring a lawyer will call Unocal to let them know still interested in getting the property.  Discussed Zoning Regulations with the man that bought the Vollmer property.  Will answer Marvin Grover’s letter.

     Clerk stated John Blake will be at the August 12th meeting to discuss prairie park and will call Meredith about the time.

      Bob Schroeder brought up the County Recorder’s fees  for Zoning Resolutions and Amendments and Bill asked Pat to come up with cost that should be added to the Zoning fees for next meeting.

      A motion was made by William Rofkar and seconded by Robert Schroeder to waive hearing to transfer D4 and D6 permits from Catawba Island Club main Clubhouse, Pool and Patio to Catawba Island Club Fitness Center as requested by the Catawba Island Club from Ohio Division of Liquor Control. Both votes aye.

    A motion was made By Robert Schroeder and seconded by William Rofkar to send letter to Donald Callahan, 7782 Royalton Road, North Royalton, OH stating he is in violation of Zoning Reaolution 4-97 on storage of junk vehicles regarding boat and trailer at 5553 Helmsman Drive on Catawba Island.

The vote:  William Rofkar-aye,  Robert Schroeder-aye.

      A motion was made by William Rofkar and seconded by Robert Schroeder to advertise for bids  for a Leaf Collection Truck in the News Herald on July 11 and July 14 with bids due on or before July 22 when they will be read publicly and contract will probably be awarded at August 12 meeting.  Both voted aye.

      A motion was made by William Rofkar and seconded by Robert Schroeder to advertise for sealed bids for the 1999 pickup truck in the News Herald on July 11 and July 14 with bids due on or before July 22 when  bids will be read publicly and awarded.  Both voted aye.

      Bill talked to Bob Rogers about part-time officers and Wilma Obregon should be removed as she is no longer interested in police part-time.  Bob would like another set of spikes and a bullet proof vest for Tim Royster which were approved.

     A motion was made by William Rofkar and seconded by Robert Schroeder to purchase two radar units at cost of $2000.00 each from Galls.  Both voted aye.

      A motion was made by Robert Schroeder and seconded by William Rofkar to adjourn. Both voted aye.


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