Minutes: August 10th, 2004

      Catawba Island Township Trustees  held their meeting in the conference room on August 10, 2004 with all present;  also Pat Cerny, James Stouffer, Reggie Langford, Philip Gutkoski, Paul Shaw, Ann Rumpf, Gerri Emmangei and Kate Botti.

      Chairman Robert Schroeder opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.  A motion was made by William Rofkar and seconded by Gary Mortus  to approve the minutes of the previous meeting as submitted and to be posted.  All voted aye.  A motion was made by Gary Mortus and seconded by William Rofkar to pay bills in the amount of $20,810.12.  All voted aye.

2294 Bayside Comfort, Inc. $              510.00
2295 D.R. Ebel Police & Fire Equipment 93.75
2296 Ottawa County Sanitary Engineer 516.19
2297 Ohio Edison Co. 2549.42
2298 Columbia Gas of Ohio 136.19
2299 First Communications 85.13
2300 AllTel 35.10
2301 Nextel Communications 459.59
2302 Barnes Nursery Inc. 26.99
2303 Lakeland Auto & Marine 77.94
2304 Vermeer Sales & Service, Inc. 52.20
2305 Bill’s Implement Sales Inc. 127.61
2306 Fellhauer Mechanical Systems 108.00
2307 Beck Suppliers Inc. 1812.93
2308 Cintas Corporation 91.28
2309 Gerken Materials Inc. 293.24
2310 LexisNexis Andrew Bender 96.80
2311 Tri Motor Sales Inc. 41.14
2312 O.E. Meyer Co. 47.50
2313 Ohio Fire Chiefs’ Association 110.00
2314 Gordon Lumber Co. 257.91
2315 Smith Automotive Inc. 26.88
2316 Bergman Farms 18.00
2332 Commodore Perry Federal Credit Union 248.24

Correspondence included letter from MasterMind Systmes including quote of  $350.00 per year for data maintenance service,  Interstate Gas Supply regarding  natural gas sales agreement showing gas cost will be $.879 per ccf through September 2005 billing cycle, Ottawa County Township Association stating next meeting will be hosted by Benton Township at Graytown Park Thursday, August 26 at 7:00 p.m., Ottawa Regional Planning Commission regarding review of Catawba Bay Subdivision at meeting on August 17,  United States Bankruptcy Court  regarding Adelphia Chapter 11 case, Ohio Department of Transportation  including two pocket guide for traffic control, quote of $1855.07 for new liquid range guard installed at the Community Hall from D.R. Ebel Police & Fire Equipment  and check for $296,775.24 from County Auditor for first half Real Estate Tax.

       Ann Rumpf stated she is a summer resident in Gem Beach and is concerned with walking privileges as stated in their deed and also a gate that was put up  and there was not a Zoning permit issued for it. Concerned also about the electrical in the gate as to whether it was put in correctly  Read the special meeting minutes regarding gates which states new ones should apply for a Zoning permit.

      Pat Cerny stated that meeting was mostly for emergency vehicles so there could be just one key that would open the gates for police and emergency vehicles.

     Gary Mortus stated  electrical inspection would have to go thru the Ottawa County Building Department electrical inspector.  We have no jurisdiction over electrical installation.

      Bill Rofkar stated there was no official business done at that special meeting.  As to Zoning changes of the regulations it has to go to the Zoning Commission and then their recommendation is acted upon by the Board of Trustees.  So any thing that was brought up at a meeting doesn’t change the Zoning regulations  until it goes thru this proceedure.

      Ann stated a new bath house was built and they had a Zoning permit for it but talking with the County Engineer his tax map shows where the bath house should have been built and not where it is now.

      Gary stated as far as Zoning there is no problem where it is located.  His application showed the proper set-backs and everything coincided with the Zoning Regualtions.  Then the builder needs to go to the County Building Department for a building permit.

       Ann asked about the fence put up by Poplar Street if it is in the road right-of-way and Pat Cerny advised it is not in the right-of-way.

       Phil Gutkoski stated in looking at the permit it shows where the fence is located and then he put about fifty feet more fence in the water.  He is encroaching on a public waterway and  shoreline and needs permission from the Ohio Environmental Agency, Corp of Engineers and Coastal Waterway to get a permit according to the regulations that he read.

        Gary stated would like a copy of that as it will have to be looked into  as to how much fence is put in the water being this is the first time this problem has been brought to our attention.

       Phil stated Brenda from Coastal Management in Sandusky will come over and meet with you at any time to discuss this issue.  Gary stated he will meet with her and gave Phil his work number for her to call and set up a time.

        Bill Rofkar stated a permit would not be issue if it was in violation. On the other hand if someone comes in and applies for a permit there is no way it can be denied if everything meets the Zoning regulations.

        Reggie Langford stated all the gypsy moths are dead but left all the off-spring to develop.  Every thing is set for the meeting tomorrow night at the Community Hall at 7:00 p.m..  Have been in contact with the County Engineer and if blocks are set up for spraying there will have to be a tax map to identify them which will be donated by the County.   Am trying to set up blocks and then have people sign up to have there trees sprayed and these will be identified on the map for the Department of Agriculture.

       Bob Schroeder stated the Prosecuting Attorney said the Township could spray the whole Island.  Reggie stated to qualify for spraying by the Department of Agriculture there has to be so many egg  masses before they will spray. In Toledo a letter was sent to every property owner explaining the situation  in hopes that many would sign up for spraying.  If blocks are set up and everyone in the block would sign up the cost would be approximately $3000.00 and Jim Greer from Emergency Management can notify all the residents at one time as to when it would be done.

      Bill asked why you would need permission from the residents if the spraying doesn’t effect any thing but the gypsy moth.  Reggie stated it is just a courtesy thing and when they spray it has to be on a day when there is no wind or rain so it would have to be on quick notice.

      Paul Shaw read a letter that was given to the Zoning Commission regarding  the home purchased by the Vineyards but is not part of the Planned Unit Development.  The property was added to the PUD but the question is on the use of the house.

      Bob Schroeder stated another map of the PUD should be made showing the addition and the use so it can be signed by the Board.  Then there should be no problem with it.

       Pat Cerny presented letter from the Prosecuting Attorney regarding weekly rentals of homes and discussion followed.

       Jim Stouffer stated the State of Ohio states there has to be a permanent residence address and the Association regulations state that no home can be rented to someone else.

       Gary Mortus stated this should be discussed with Walter and maybe could be a conditional use.  The one person that was appointed to the Zoning Commission at the July 13th  turned it down.

      A motion was made by Gary Mortus and seconded by William Rofkar to appoint Paul Shaw a member of the Zoning Commission to finish the term of Ryan Nuhfer which ends December 31, 2006. All voted aye.

       William Rofkar received a letter from Litchfield regarding the shelter house in Heigel Park and feels a letter should be sent to them deducting the penalty. Board agreed on an assessment of 10% with Anderson Recreation Design will pay the First Choice Construction bill and submit waivers of lien from subcontractor

And Bill will write the letter.

      A motion was made by William Rofkar and seconded by Gary Mortus to move Insurance Agent to Sky Insurance from Ohio Insurance Agency.  Gary stated Frank Harmon from Ohio Insurance  has been a good agent but feels should be some one local so employees have someone they can talk to.  Bill stated there was not a local agent before and feels it is very important to keep it local.

       The vote: Robert Schroeder-no,  William Rofkar-aye,  Gary Mortus-aye.

   Robert Schroeder presented copy of a decal the Fire Department would like to use on Squad 27 (the old ambulance) which was approved.  The contractor building a house on the corner of Balliette and Roger Drives would like to tap into the Township storm sewer line.

    Bill Rofkar stated looking at that house it is higher than the others but if there is a problem it could be cut off.  Board approved tap in to the storm sewer.

     A motion was made by Gary Mortus and seconded by William Rofkar to adjourn.  All voted aye.

For more information contact: Gary Mortus
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