Minutes: August 26th, 2008

AUGUST 26, 2008

The regular business meeting of the Catawba Island Township Board of Trustees was called to order by chairman William Rofkar at 7:30 p.m. on August 26, 2008 in the conference room beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.  In attendance were William Rofkar, Robert Schroeder, Gary Mortus, Pat Cerny, Jack DeVore, Bill & Bree Brown, Matt Montowski, John Smothers, James Stouffer, Bill Fritz, Marv Grover, Bob Danklefsen and Mr. Edward Enderle. 

Gary Mortus made a motion to approve the last meetings minutes as received seconded by Robert Schroeder.  Gary Mortus, aye; Robert Schroeder, aye; William Rofkar, aye.  Robert Schroeder made a  motion to approve and pay the bills in the amount of $42,476.91 seconded by Gary Mortus.  Robert Schroeder, aye; Gary Mortus, aye; William Rofkar, aye. 

Correspondence included Ottawa County Engineer’s Office contract for the striping program awarded to DuraMark without a start date at this point.  Included in a cost estimate for the work in the township, $4,729.24.  Newsletter from Marcy Kaptur  and Ottawa Soil and Water Conservation District.  Hylant Group with a credit check for $75.00. 

John Smothers stated he has been mowing Cedar Preserve.  It is difficult to mow the
heavy grass and the Park Board contacted Barnes and received an estimate for mowing for  $1300.00 for two acres.  The Park Board would like to contract with Barnes to mow the heavy grass.  They voted on it and signed the contract but did not return it to Barnes as of yet.  Robert Schroeder made a motion to approve $1300.00 for mowing in the Cedar Preserve seconded by Gary Mortus.  John Smothers stated this would save wear and tear on the township mower.  The total would be is to cut one-third per year in strips. (1/3 of 25 acres per year)  Gary Mortus, aye; Robert Schroeder, aye; William Rofkar, opposed.  John Smothers also stated they would like to have a Gator.  Gary Mortus stated he would like to see John Blakman contacted and talk about the prairie as he is disappointed in the way it is looking.   John Smothers will arrange this. 

Bill Brown stated he has a porta-wash he is proposing to put at the launch ramp. 
He presented pictures and William Rofkar stated much more information  is needed.  Bill Brown stated they would tap our water line and put in all their own utilities and pay their own bills.  Bree Brown also gave a report.  William Rofkar stated to discuss this again at the next Trustee meeting. 

Ed  Enderle, candidate for State Representative in the 80th District gave a presentation.

Bill Fritz would like to purchase two mowers for $6500.00.  William Rofkar would like to discuss this with Dan Barlow first. 
Marv Grover questioned who is responsible for the condition of Sand Road.   Kelly Frey stated there is a minimum of one year warranty that we could go back on the county.   Marv Grover thanked the Township for all the work they do in the parks.

James Stouffer thanked the Fire Department and Township with help with their fire works.  Jim Stouffer stated to check rules in regard to the water from the mentioned car-wash that would go into the sewer system as per the Great Lakes Pact. James Stouffer will also discuss this with the Browns.

Gary Mortus stated Barnes did a great job on the grinding.  Starting on Saturdays after Labor Day, mulch loading will begin from 8:00 a.m. until noon. 

Robert Schroeder stated “brush pick-up” should be defined.  William Rofkar stated the maintenance department should know the guidelines.  The trees have been large and it appears lots are being cleaned and it is not manageable. 

Pat Cerny stated she advertised for office help and  received an application from Karen Shaw.  She can work from 8:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. starting September 2, 2008.
Robert Schroeder made a motion to hire Karen Shaw at a rate of $8.50 per hour for a maximum of thirty hours per week seconded by Gary Mortus.  Motion carried unanimously. 

William Rofkar made a motion to participate in the County Road Striping Program  not to exceed $5000.00 for this year seconded by Robert Schroeder.  All voted aye. 

William Rofkar stated the maintenance department did an outstanding job refurbishing the restroom at the launch ramp. 

Gary Mortus stated a zoning fee should be set for the Floating Home application.  It will be looked into next meeting. 

Gary Mortus made a motion for adjournment seconded by Robert Schroeder.  All voted aye.  8:30 p.m.




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