Minutes: September 9th, 2003

    Regular meeting of the Catawba Island Township Trustees was held September 9, 2003 in the conference room with all present;  also Pat Cerny and Dan Barlow.

     Chairman Gary Mortus called the meeting to order.  Dan Barlow stated a foreman from the city of Masadonia  may come here to view the leaf vac.  The clutch has been rebuilt several times and hopefully we will be getting the new one soon.Talked with Brian Newell and the truck is being put together and would like Kevin to go there and set control box for the snow plow and bed and check bed height which was approved.  In regard to the SCBA’s for the Fire Department asking for $35,000-40,000 not to exceed maximum of $40,000.00. Don’t have an amount from the Auxiliary yet.

       Gary Mortus stated there was  a minor accident with slight damage to the new pickup truck which will cost approximately $750.00 to repair so will not have to be reported to the insurance company 

        A motion was made by William Rofkar and seconded by Robert Schroeder to approve the minutes of the previous meeting as submitted and will be posted.  All voted aye.  A motion was made by Robert Schroeder and seconded by William Rofkar to pay bills in the amount of $19,807.24.  All voted aye.

1202 Michelle Halstead $ 100.00
1203 Ohio Insurance Services Agency, Inc.  89.95
1204 Ottawa County Sanitary Engineer 352.39
1205 Columbia Gas of Ohio 135.09
1206 Ohio Edison Co. 2708.13
1207 Verizon North 50.02
1208 First Communications 65.81
1209 Ottawa County Engineer 71.17
1210 The SanBay Co. 50.00
1211 Bill’s Implement Sales Inc. 98.20
1212 JVS Garage Door Co. 77.70
1213 Cintas Corporation 83.60
1214 Ray’s Electronics 80.45
1215 Beck Suppliers Inc. 1504.58
1216 Oliger Seed Co. 113.00
1217 Vermeer Sales & Service, Inc. 36.20
1218 Dorothy Gulau 21.23
1219 Gordon Lumber Co. 187.21
1220 Lake Erie Lock & Key 10.00
1221 Lakeland Auto & Marine 22.74
1222 East Perry Parts, Inc. 13.24
1223 Port Clinton Hardware Inc. 29.66
1239 Irene Luebcke 110.00
1240 AllTel 182.75
1241 Gerken Materials Inc. 52.29
1242 Tri Motor Sales Inc. 713.60
1243 Debbie Tester 100.00

Correspondence included letter from Ohio Township Association including Township Survey to be returned by October 3,2003,  Hylant Services regarding the review for insurance and recommendations by Bill Balmat, Ottawa County Township Association  regarding the last meeting of 2003 which will be at Put-in-Bay Fire Station on Wednesday, September 24 with Erie County Township Association as guests., Ottawa County Engineer including bid for striping program, Prosecuting Attorney Mark Mulligan regarding tape recordings, 2nd half manufactured home tax check for $997.32, 2nd half PU tax reimbursement 2001 check for $3290.87, amended official certificate of estimated resources from Budget Commission and Board of Elections regarding General Election on November 4,2003

      Pat Cerny received a call from Deferred Compensation asking to have a seminar for Township employees but notices have been given to them previously and there seems to be no interest by employees  that are not enrolled. Read thank-you  from Catawba School regarding use of  Community Hall for teacher’s gathering,  Reported Adelle Kreutzfeld would like to replace camper with pop-up trailer on her lot on Schoolhouse Road.  Claude Cook issued a permit for replacement of a trailer in  1987. 

      Gary Mortus stated the original one was non-conforming use and there has been no change of owner-ship or any Zoning change.  Following discussion advised Pat to ask her how long they have owned the property and how long a trailer has been there.

     Bob Schroeder stated what bothers him is if the property is sold the use would go on unless it was vacated  for two years.

     Bill Rofkar stated if they are not renting it our and using it only a couple times a year it is no different then  someone bringing in a trailer on someone else’s property for a few days.

      Robert Schroeder stated he feels very strongly against the Township Police going to Portage Township all the time and the fact that all those businesses there and all their problems seem to be Catawba’s problems.

      Bill Rofkar stated  the “Number one job of Government is to protect its citizens”.

Gary stated he agrees with Bob as Catawba had an officer long before the population increase.  Think the first constable was in 1961.

      Bob stated in regard to the letter from Mark Mulligan on tapes he feels tapes should be destroyed or used over after each meeting and was agreed upon by the Board.  Reported on findings of the Attorney on the Unicol property.

      Bill Rofkar stated possibility that  down the road if it is Township property and someone wants to do something and still thinks it is contaminated, even though it is not true, could still sue the  Township.

      Bob stated should meet with Mark Mulligan and discuss the situation and Board agreed to meet with him on Thursday or Friday if possible.

       William Rofkar stated in looking over the road striping list feels Linda Drive and Karwood should not be stripe   Talked to Cory Anderson from the Company  that is supposed to be putting up the shelter house in Heigel Park and was advised they have been working with construction company and problem seems to be they had to have special plans that had to be stamped by someone and that is supposed to be done now.. Reminded him that there is $100.00 penalty per day from August 1st on and feels it was well stated in the contract.   Thinks they should have gone to the Court House to see what had to be done when the contract was awarded to them in the spring.

       Gary feels when they meet with Mark penalty should be discussed.  Clerk stated after receiving the letter from Litchfield that payment of full amount was past due I phoned  them and was advised payment was for material only and they were not responsible for erecting the shelter house.

        Clerk stated at last meeting Resolution was passed to transfer money to Police Fund and got an amended certificate so now  need a Resolution to appropriate that money.

       A motion was made by William Rofkar and seconded by Robert Schroeder to adopt Resolution to appropriate $10,000. To account 2191-210-221 Hospitalization in the Police Fund and $10,000 to account 1000-330-221 Hospitalization for Maintenance in General Fund.  All voted aye.

         William Rofkar made a motion to adopt Resolution accepting the amounts and rates as determined by the Budget Commission and authorizing the necessary tax levies and certifying them to the County Auditor as follows: 2.9 inside mil- $474,000 for General Fund, 2.3 outside mil- $90,500 for Police Fund, 2.0 outside mil- $90,500 for Fire Fund. Robert Schroeder second and the vote: G. Mortus-aye, W. Rofkar-aye, R. Schroeder-aye.

        A motion was made by William Rofkar and seconded by Robert Schroeder to issue warrant for $40,000 to Catawba Island Fire Department as Township portion of Self Contained Breathing Apparatus. All voted aye.

       Gary Mortus asked about putting the new leaf vac, new truck and  Fire Department’s SCBA’s on the internex which was approved.  Stated Bronson Township will purchase the 1994 dump truck for $25,000 and was advised they could get it during working hours any time.  Presented quote from Newell Equipment for $11,165.00 for hitch and hydraulic system installed on new truck and another one for $9783.00 for snow plow and salt spreader installed.

        A motion was made by Robert Schroeder and seconded by William Rofkar to award contract to Newell Equipment for hitch and hydraulic system installed on new truck for $11,165.00. All voted aye.

      Robert Schroeder made a motion to award contract to Newell Equipment for snow plow and salt spreader installed for $9783.00. William Rofkar seconded and all voted aye.

       Gary stated as a reminder as of  September 26 the limit on us bidding items goes to $25,000.00.

      A motion was made by William Rofkar and seconded by Robert Schroeder to adjourn.  All voted aye.


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