Minutes: January 14th, 2003


      The first business meeting of the Catawba Island Township Trustees for the year 2003 was called to order by chairman Gary Mortus on January 14 at 7:30 p.m. in the conference room.  Present were Gary Mortus, William Rofkar, Robert Schroeder and Pat Cerny.  A motion was made by William Rofkar and seconded by Robert Schroeder to approve the minutes of the December 30, 2002 meeting as submitted.  All voted aye.  Robert Schroeder made a motion pay the bills in the amount of $75,320.07.  William Rofkar seconded the motion and all voted aye.

38649 Ottawa County Commissioners $62000.00
38650 First Communications 14.81
38651 Bassetts Supercenter 60.43
38652 Ohio Department of Agriculture 30.00
38666 Keith Batterton 53.50
38667 Paul Ochs 42.80
38668 Kevin Gibbons 53.50
38669 Jack Mortus 139.10

Correspondence included:  Virginia Park, notification to file newly enacted zoning resolutions and amendments with the County Recorder, notice from Unique Paving Materials in regard to their merger with Hy-Grade Corporation, Ohio Department of Taxation, Final Determination of Park Property exempt from taxation, Frank Gates, BWC has granted a 50% premium dividend credit on Payroll Report covering January 1,2002 thru December 31,2002, Ohio Government Risk Management Plan, Chairman John Applegate’s notification of his term as chairman being close to fulfillment and stated accomplishments, notice from Dan Barlow asking permission to attend the Tornado de-brief on Friday, January 17 at the Court House. Gary Mortus stated he may attend and Bill Rofkar made the suggestion the Police Chief Bob Rogers also attend.


    Robert Schroeder stated he spoke with Prosecutor Mark Mulligan in regard to the fence at the boat ramp and he suggested the Township pay for it but Bob does not agree. A letter from our insurance company, after an investigation, states the Township did not cause the tree to fall; it was heavy wind and nature and the Township is not legally responsible for the damage. Bob suggested letting the insurance company represent us if litigation is initiated. All three Trustees agreed. Bob also received a call from a Real Estate sales person in regard to the property on the corner of Cemetery Road and NW Catawba Road. It has been reduced to $195,000.00 and he compared prices of property that have been sold in the area where the home is in much better condition and the price was less. Bob told the person it was not worth it and the Trustees are not interested in getting involved with another home due to the cost of removing it. Bob also stated that a policy should be instituted on “brush pickup”. It should be cut up and facing the road as it creates a time loss factor. Gary Mortus suggested another notice in the paper. Bill Rofkar suggested a loader with a clamp. They will look into this at the Convention.


     John Rogers, (Zoning Commission) will be working nights for the next six months. Bob Schroeder asked if he should resign or let the alternate take his position. Gary Mortus would rather use the alternate, Bob Fic, and keep John Rogers, excuse him and find another alternate.


     Robert Schroeder made a motion to appoint Stan McCumber to the Zoning Commission for a five year term beginning January 1, 2003. William Rofkar second; all voted aye.


     Bob Schroeder stated on January 22,2003 the Zoning Commission will hear a rezoning request by the Catawba-Cleveland Development Corporation. One hundred notifications were mailed to adjoining property owners and would like to know if we should plan on holding the hearing in the conference room or at the Community Hall. The thought would be to wait until they apply for their PUD and see if we should move the meetings.


      Robert Schroeder made a motion to reappoint Bryan Baugh to the Board of Zoning Appeals for another five year term retroactive to January 1, 2003. William Rofkar second and all voted aye.


       Bob Schroeder stated all of the valves on Catawba will have to be dug up and the bolts replaced in the water system. A letter was sent from the County. There will be a meeting in regard to this January 15 in the ELC. Bob and Bill Rofkar will attend. Bob also stated a letter should be written to the Commissioners and the Sanitary Engineer stating the people on Catawba pay big money. The engineers were supposed to design a good system and inspect its  construction and not get stuck with a bill at this early date after construction. Gary stated there should be no cost to the system users and they should go back and sue the designer.


       William Rofkar asked about the generators. Gary Mortus stated  he will have to give ATM a call.

      Pat Cerny stated she received a call from Mark Mulligan stating there will be a pre-trial for the highway signs on February 6, 2003 and he requested me to take a picture of the ones on Catawba to see if they have a closed sign attached. Bob and Pat will take a ride in the morning.

      Gary Mortus stated he is assuming we are having a dinner meeting with Frank Harmon before next meeting, January 28 at 6:00 p.m. Gary suggested to move the time up to 5:30 p.m..


      Robert Schroeder made a motion to adjourn and William Rofkar seconded.  All voted aye.


For more information contact: Gary Mortus
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