Minutes: October 11th, 2005

     Business meeting of the Catawba Island Township Trustees was held October 11,2005 in the conference room with all present;  also Pat Cerny, James Stouffer, Catherine Pfeiffer and Paul Nicholson.

    Chairman William Rofkar opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance. A motion was made by Gary Mortus and seconded by Robert Schroeder to approve the minutes of the previous meeting and the special executive meeting as submitted. All voted aye.   A motion was made by Robert Schroeder and seconded by Gary Mortus to pay bills in the amount of $32,905.09.  All voted aye.
3613 City of Port Clinton $44.58
3614 Ruth A. Nichols 100.00
3615 Treasurer, State of Ohio 915.00
3616 Minolta-Div KMBS USA 4.50
3617 Soccer One Youth Sports Products 230.28
3618 Dennis Construction & Sanitation Inc. 84.70
3619 The SanBay Company 297.01
3620 F.S.I. Disposal 177.00
3621 Ottawa County Sanitary Engineer 440.03
3622 Ohio Edison Co. 2144.34
3623 First Communications 33.27
3624 AllTel 10.78
3625 Verizon North 51.00
3626 Nextel Communications 440.55
3627 Firelands Corporate Health Center 49.00
3628 Davenport Sign & Art, LLC 210.00
3629 Smith Automotive Inc. 328.73
3630 Lakeland Auto & Marine 410.87
3631 Bill’s Implement Sales Inc. 113.53
3632 Beck Suppliers, Inc. 2554.33
3633 Cintas Corporation 87.08
3634 Spoerr Precast Concrete Inc. 367.00
3635 Newspaper Network of Central Ohio     107.08
3636 O.E. Meyer Company 238.35
3637 Transcore 50.00
3638 East Perry Parts, Inc. 4.17
3639 Fire-Safety Services, Inc. 132.80
3640 Tadsen Diversified Insurance Agency 5033.00
3660 The UPS Store 7.25
3661 Port Clinton Hardware Inc. 86.25
3662 Bassett’s Market 39.87
3663 Steven Jackson, DO 68.00

Correspondence included letter from Prosecuting Attorney Mark Mulligan including Certificate of Commendation on State Audit for years 2003-2004,  Ottawa County EMA regarding MIMS compliance, Ottawa County Commissioners including copy of a resolution regarding State Issue I, Adelphia stating addition of new premium channels, Smith Automotive Inc. reporting the closing of their Port Clinton store, Cosme,D’Angelo & Szollosi, L.P.A. regarding a Prevailing Wage Compliance Seminar on Friday, October 21 at Holiday Inn French Quarter in Toledo, Carol Lake including information on a geocache she would like to put at the walking trails on Northwest Catawba Road and Ohio Department of Taxation regarding Commercial Activity Tax Registration.

      Paul Nicholson asked if it was true that if school levy passes the new school would be on the corner of Cemetery and Northeast Catawba Roads on free land?  Bill Rofkar stated as it stands negotiations are on hold and there has been no commitment on exchanges of property.  Gary Mortus stated there are three parcels they have looked at but have not made any commitment as it depends on whether the levy passes.  Asked Paul if Mark Mulligan had talked to him yet and Paul said no.

      Jim Stouffer asked if there are any issues to be brought up and was advised none,

     Pat Cerny stated everything is set up for clean-up week. Gary said he hoped they would pick up on Saturday and no other Townships should interfere. Township employee will be at the site from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p,m  .Dumpster for steel was discussed.  Public hearing on the Land Use Plan will be Wednesday, November 16, 2005 at 7:00 p.m. in the conference room,.  Mr. Sapp withdrew his application to the Board of Zoning Appeals for variances on the James Rofkar property but now Jim Rofkar wants to pursue it.

     Robert Schroeder stated the chicken BBQ for the Fire, Police and Maintenance Departments was very good but was not well attended.  Had call from Bob Rahm on Union Drive saying the tree behind Union Chapel that fell on his garage causing $200.00 damage. He said he had talked to Dan about having the tree removed before it fell but nothing every happened.  By filing the claim to his Nationwide Insurance company his insurance premium went up. When fixing the roof Bob fell off the roof and has been off work for several months and has $20,000.00 medical bills and feels the Township should have some responsibility for this  Insurance Company told Bob Schroeder if it was a good tree before it fell they would be responsible but it the tree was bad they would not be so Bill will talk to Dan as to why it was not removed.

      Trick & Treat will be Monday, October 31, 2005 from 5:00-7:00 p.m. with a party put on by DECA at the Community Hall following.

     Gary Mortus stated on the special executive meeting that was held any action was never formally put in the minutes and asked Bill to get legal advice on this.  Met with Mark Mulligan several times regarding the Ohio Public Works contract and disbursement of funds form for the Vollmer property.  Read description of uses for the property. Bill asked about moving the compost piles to this property and Gary stated it would have to be put in writing. Bill stated the logical thing to do would be to ask them to exempt a certain number of acres so future boards of this Township would not have to go to State bureaucracy and ask permission to use land that we already paid for. If we do not secure it now, it will never be secured.  Gary stated the only way to get exempt acres would be to go back to the committee that approved the application and ask for number of exempt acres and they would adjust the monies. Gary stated the original purchase contract was signed to be completed by the end of August and then was extended to the end of September and today received this letter from Mr. Svete.

     Clerk read copy of letter from Joseph Svete to Attorney Joan Szuberla regarding the Ottawa County Court of Common Pleas case.

     Gary stated it is really a threat to get it closed by the end of October.  If we can go back to the state and negotiate with them on the ten acres we talked about but the committee doesn’t meet again until the end of October. To do that we would have to extend the closing date. What is completed so far it would be up to the Board if we want to sign the contracts and have the closing by the end of October.  Bill stated he feels it is a very bad deal financially for the Township.

    A motion was made by Gary Mortus and seconded by Robert Schroeder to continue with request to pursue the Ohio Public Works grant to purchase the Svete property and continue the grant process. The vote: W. Rofkar-no, G. Mortus-aye, R. Schroeder-aye.

    A motion was made by Gary Mortus and seconded by Robert Schroeder to process the Ohio Public Works funds disbursement within the next week. The vote: G. Mortus-aye, W. Rofkar-no, R. Schroeder-aye.

    Gary Mortus stated the $500,000.00 the Township is committed  to provide can either be taken from the General Fund or can get a loan thru the Ohio Township Association. Bill stated at end of five years we would have paid $81,000.00 interest still feels should not try and get more money and pay interest on it. Still very much against it. No decision was made.

       William Rofkar read letter from Mary Rose requesting Meadow Lane be closed on October 29 from 2:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. which was approved. Presented two proposals to replace concrete on boat launching ramp - Masonry Construction - $8794.00 and J and B Concrete and Masonry - $3800.00 and both met specifications.

     A motion was made by William Rofkar and seconded by Gary Mortus to award contract to J and B Concrete and Masonry to replace concrete at boat launching ramp for $3800.00.  All voted aye.

     A motion was made by Gary Mortus and seconded by Robert Schroeder to send letter to Evelyn Krejci, Cleveland of violation of junk vehicle on Union Drive. All voted aye.

       Gary Mortus made a motion to adjourn at 8:50 p.m.. Robert Schroeder seconded and all voted aye.


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