Minutes: November 25th, 2003

      Regular meeting of the Catawba Island Township Trustees was held November 25, 2003 in the conference room with all present; also Pat Cerny, Kelly Frye, Meredith Beck, John Smothers, Steve May, Jack Madison and Paul Nicholsen.

    Chairman Gary Mortus opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.  A motion was made by William Rofkar and seconded by Gary Mortus to approve the minutes of the last meeting as submitted and to be posted. The vote: G. Mortus-aye, W. Rofkar-aye, R. Schroeder-abstained.  Robert Schroeder made a motion to pay bills in the amount of $76,613.29.  William Rofkar second and all voted aye.

1448-1474 Catawba Island Volunteer Fire Department $3675.00
1498 Ottawa County Township Association 180.00
1499 Amsterdam Printing and Litho Corporation 66.64
1500 Anthem Blue Cross & Blue Shield 9178.48
1501 Anthem Life Insurance Co. 543.69
1502 The SanBay Company 137.20
1503 F.S.I. Disposal 343.00
1504 Columbia Gas of Ohio 447.24
1505 Verizon North 534.43
1506 Frederick Signs 100.00
1507 Northern Tool & Equipment Co. 262.32
1508 FanMark, Inc. 58.95
1509 JVS Garage Door Co 380.10
1510 John Gangway 11.10
1511 Wal-Mart Community 88.12
1512 Tri  Motor Sales Inc. 75.67
1513 Newell Equipment Inc. 32,483.00
1514 Hylant Administrative Services, Inc. 1016.00

Received an invitation to the Ottawa County Township Association Christmas Party at Traveler’s Inn on Friday, December 19 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.,  notice of Adelphia Communications Corporation bankruptcy Court, Office of Cooperative Purchasing enclosing all of the new vehicle contracts for FY04 models, check for $2676.08 for third quarter Motel Tax, letters from Anthem Life Insurance Co. regarding notice of renewal action, Ohio Insurance Services Agency regarding Health Insurance Renewal, County Engineer regarding Road Mileage Certification on Wednesday, December 10 at 1:20 p.m., Ottawa County Transportation Agency regarding their services, Ottawa County Commissioners regarding White Paper Projects, Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation  offering dividend credits again in year 2004, memo from Solid Waste Management regarding Christmas Tree Recycling Program and letter from County Commissioners including sample of Resolution to be passed regarding start up of Davis-Besse,

        Kelly Frye, Sanitary Engineer, read a letter that was e-mailed to the Board of Trustees to be signed and sent to the County Commissioners offering support for obtaining Federal assistance for the Regional Water System Corrosion Mitigation and Projection Project. We are trying to get direct Federal Assistance for the water corrosion project and have met and talked with Marcy Kaptur about the project.  Asking Townships for their support

      Bob Schroeder stated he does not believe should ask for the money, thinks should go right to the source of the problem and get the money.  Your hire the Engineering firm that should know what they are doing and they should be liable for the materials they project.

      Kelly stated County did some research and had an outside engineering firm look at it and in the end with some thirty-five miles of pipe involved the cost and liability would be higher than going this way

      Bob stated the County keeps awarding contracts to the same people and then we are stuck with it.  Think they should check it out before awarding a contract.

       Kelly stated testing is being done  and whatever the results show goes back to the material used and the original testing  results and really don’t know whether they were accurate or not.  Have hired Corporal Company which is the largest national corrosion company  to do various types of testing but  our concern is losing pipes which will have to be restored.

      Gary asked about dollar amount which you are trying to obtain?   Kelly stated he will not know until they get the test results but work can be done on different levels.

       Gary asked if what you are looking for is for us to sign this letter of support?  Agrees with Bob that the engineering firm or contractor should be liable. Even though you get grants from the Government we are still paying twice.

    Kelley explained the situation of the water on Sand Road when there was not enough pressure to fight that fire.  Looking into replacing these lines and hope to have engineering plans by October and then we could apply for financing. 

     Meredith Beck asked about the prairie and after talking to Mr. Blakeman it could be started by the first of March and asked if anything else was needed.

     Gary stated  there was a high end and low end price tag and would have to be decided after the appropri-

Ations are done after the first of the year.  Looked at some of the sites and still think it would be a good addition to the Township at that site.  Would like to have some figures from the Park Board by the end of January and would like a recommendation as to what you would like to have done.

      John Smothers stated it is a great project for this property but it would probably take a couple of years to develop.

     Bill Rofkar stated it should be done at low key  and do it and when it looks nice then say that is what the Tjownship did.

     Zoning Inspector Pat Cernhy  asked about a date for the Zoning hearing of the Vollmer property and agreed on December 15 at 7:00 p.m..  Port Clinton Swim Team would like to use the community hall for a dinner which was approved and Police Department would like East End Numbering Directory at $10.00 each.  Board approved getting directories for Police and Fire Departments.   Reported on the junk vehicles. Asked about the sign on the property that the Vineyards purchased which is not included in the PUD and was advised they should get a variance or take the sign down.

      Robert Schroeder reported on the pond and progress was discussed.  William Rofkar stated he had a request about the furnace at the Fire Station but will check it our.

      A motion was made by Robert Schroeder and seconded  by William Rofkar to adopt Resolution to evaluate the readiness for restart of Davis-Besse. The vote: G. Mortus-abstain, W. Rofkar-aye, R. Schroeder- aye.

      A motion was made by William Rofkar and seconded by Gary Mortus to sign the letter to be sent to the County Commissioners asking for direct federal assistance for the Corrosion Mitigation and Protection Project.  The vote: G. Mortus-aye,  W. Rofkar-aye,  R. Schroeder- abstained.

      Clerk stated receiving a check for $516.07 for scrap metal from Burns Iron & Metal Company and Fultz Disposal was upset  because that is why they can give a better rate and Board stated there was just a mis-

Understanding  when Burns provided the metal container.  Frank Harman called about the hospitalization rates going up 16% and would like to discuss the options on December 9 at 5:30 p.m. at Nates which was  OK with everyone.  Asked about recommendations from insurance company and playground equipment

Behind Fire Station was discussed.  Will ask Auxiliary to purchase forms for wood chips.

      William Rofkar stated the slab has been poured for the shelter house in Heigel Park.

        Gary Mortus reported on leaf pick-up and maintenance employees are all using a vacation day on Friday after Thanksgiving.  Had call from “Now You Decide” TV program and Gary will appear on it.

      A motion was made by William Rofkar and  was seconded by Gary Mortus to adjourn to executive session for property matters.  All voted aye.

     William Rofkar made a motion to reconvene to regular session.  Robert Schroeder seconded and all voted aye.

       A motion was made by Robert Schroeder and seconded by William Rofkar to adjourn.  All voted aye.


For more information contact: Gary Mortus
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