Minutes: December 30th, 2003

     Catawba Island Township Trustees held the reorganization meeting December 30,2003 in the conference room with all present;  also Pat Cerny.

      Meeting was called to order by the Chairman Gary Mortus and turned over to the Clerk, Dorothy Gulau. She asked for nomination for Chairman and Vice-Chairman for the year 2004.  A motion was made by Gary Mortus and seconded by William Rofkar to nominate Robert Schroeder as Chairman. All voted aye.

Gary Mortus made a motion to nominate William Rofkar as Vice-Chairman. Robert Schroeder seconded and all voted aye.

       Chairman Robert Schroeder asked about duties and it was agreed as follows:

                Robert Schroeder - Roads, Buildings, Cemetery

                William Rofkar - Police and Fire Departments

                Gary Mortus - Zoning

Robert Schroeder will be representative to Ottawa Regional Planning Commission with William Rofkar or Gary Mortus as alternate.  Gary Mortus will be a member of the Catawba/Portage Sewer District Board for another year with William Rofkar as alternate.

     Meetings will be the second (2nd) and fourth (4th) Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m..

Community Hall rates will be the same as 2003 - $200.00 plus $100.00 deposit which is returnable if left clean and no damage. Front room - $25.00, Association/Subdivision meetings - $60.00, Bereavement Meal-


 Cemetery rates will the same as 2003 - Grave site for Resident- $225.00, Non-resident- $400.00. Open and close grave- $175.00, Saturday- $250.00 and Sunday or Holiday- $400.00. Open and close cremaiont-$35.00, Saturday,Sunday, Holiday- $75.00, Open and close grave for baby- $75.00.  Footer for monument -

$60.00 and Disinterment- $600.00.

       Gary Mortus made a motion to adopt Resolution to approve temporary appropriations in the amount of $1,740,106.00 as listed on copy attached. William Rofkar seconded the motion and all voted aye.

      Following discussion on Zoning application fees a motion was made by Gary Mortus and seconded by William Rofkar to increase filing fee for Board of Zoning Appeals from $200.00 to $250.00 and filing fee for the Zoning Commission from $200.00 to $225.00. All voted aye.

     Gary presented copy of wages and benefits showing increase of 2% and 3% and insurance increase. A motion was made by Gary Mortus and seconded by Robert Schroeder to waive wage increases for year 2004  and the Township pay full cost of insurance. The vote : G. Mortus-aye, R. Schroeder-aye, W. Rofkar-no.

     A motion was made by Gary Mortus and seconded by William Rofkar to pay mileage outside of the Township  at Federal rate for 2004. All voted aye.  A motion was made by Gary Mortus and seconded by William Rofkar to pay mileage and expenses of Trustees and Clerk to attend the State convention on January 28-31, 2004.  All voted aye.

      Gary Mortus made a motion to adjourn.  William Rofkar second and all voted aye.


For more information contact: Gary Mortus
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