Minutes: July 10th, 2012

Catawba Island Township Board of Township Trustees

Meeting Minutes

July 10, 2012

The regular business meeting of the Catawba Island Township Board of Township Trustees was called to order by Chairman William Rofkar on Tuesday, July 10, at 7:30 p.m. in the conference room.

In attendance were Gary Mortus, Matt Montowski, William Rofkar, Karen Shaw, Dan Barlow, John Gangway, Bryan Baugh, Zach Baugh, Larry Cline, Jack DeVore, and Randy Riedmaier.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all.

The minutes were read from the June 26 regular meeting of the Board of Township Trustees.
Gary Mortus made a motion to approve the June 26 meeting minutes as presented.
Matt Montowski seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried.

Matt Montowski made a motion to approve and pay the bills, including the last payroll, in the amount of $181,473.23. Gary Mortus seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried.


A letter from Andy and Angela Benko requesting permission to plant a rose bush on either side of their daughter’s monument.

The Trustees agreed Andy and Angela Benko could plant rose bushes.

A letter from Dave Behrens requesting use of the Community Hall June 15, 2013 for a graduation open house for their twin children.

The Trustees agreed Dave Behrens could use the Community Hall and waived the fee.

A letter from Tom and Toni Letterhos requesting use of the Community Hall for a gathering following a family funeral.

The Trustees agreed Tom and Toni Letterhos could use the Community Hall and waived the fee. Trustees gave permission to the Fiscal Officer to reimburse the fee received prior to the meeting.

A card from residents Dianne and Jim Harkin thanking township staff and volunteers that helped with cleanup in Colony Club.

A letter from the Ottawa County Board of Elections regarding an election to be held Tuesday, November 6, 2012 and their use of the Community Hall.

A letter from Becky Swisher of the Ohio Plan announcing a new member benefit. In the event township facilities encounter any type of disaster resulting from fire, water, or storm damage, as an Ohio Plan member the township is eligible for BELFOR’s Red Alert services which include emergency response and assistance.

A letter from Ken Gill Construction regarding the Poplar/C Street storm sewer project.


Fiscal Officer Karen Shaw presented the June financial reports and bank reconciliation and there were no questions or concerns.


Maintenance Supervisor Dan Barlow said they are working on the sidewalk repair on Delwood in the Krempa Subdivision following the recent paving project. He said the sidewalk can be leveled for approximately $250.

The Trustees agreed to have a contractor level the sidewalk for $250.

Dan Barlow said there was some damage to the back of the maintenance building following the recent storm. He said he will get an estimate for repairs as well as have a contractor look at the roof.

Dan Barlow said the one ton truck is in the shop for repairs to the hydraulic line that raises and lowers the bed.

Dan Barlow said there is still a lot of brush to pick up around the township.

Gary Mortus made a motion to contract with Barnes Nursery for storm clean up assistance for the township at a rate of $3,500 per day which includes a wheel loader, grappler and operator, two roll-off trucks and operators, one ground man equipped with a chainsaw, and one traffic safety control person, for a maximum of ten days. Matt Montowski seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried.

Gary Mortus said the easement came in for the Poplar Street drainage project.

Dan Barlow presented three proposals for the Poplar Street drainage project: Fox Contractors, $16,380 for an 18 inch pipe including asphalt repair; Herbst Excavating $14,844 for a 12 inch pipe including asphalt repair; and Ken Gill Construction, $17,900 for a 12 inch pipe with asphalt paving Option 1 - $13,200 or asphalt patching Option 2 - $3,800.

Dan Barlow recommended Herbst Excavating due to the letter from Ken Gill Construction supporting installation of a 12 inch HDPE in lieu of an 18 inch pipe as requested. The letter proposed a 12 inch pipe would increase flow capacity and not crowd existing utilities.

William Rofkar said in looking everything over he felt more comfortable with Ken Gill Construction and Option 2 on paving. He said there are a number of utilities and he knows their work will be top quality. William Rofkar said he is not familiar with the other company.

Matt Montowski said it is a big utility area and he personally would feel comfortable with Ken Gill Construction. He said the other contractors could probably do the job and for less but he said he knows there would not be any problems with Ken Gill and their track record.

Gary Mortus said he felt Ken Gill Construction would do the best job based on past experience.

Gary Mortus made a motion to award the Poplar Street project to Ken Gill Construction based on Option 2 for paving not to exceed $22,000. Matt Montowski seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried.

Dan Barlow said the Ottawa County Engineer’s Office is following up with the other road issue in Gem Beach. He said a permit was taken out for the work that is now causing a problem with the road.

Dan Barlow said Walter Wehenkel is working on the final bid specifications for the columbarium and they will soon be ready for review.

Gary Mortus said maintenance personnel have done a tremendous job with the debris clean up following the storm and also responding to the outage on West Catawba Road and setting up barricades.

Matt Montowski said the fire department personnel did a great job responding to 15 calls in one day and three gas line concerns. He said all the police were also on hand to help following the storm.

Gary Mortus said the maintenance department has received numerous requests for stump removal from property owners. He said the township does not take or dispose of tree stumps.


Matt Montowski said a total of nine permits were issued and one variance for the month of June with a total of $768.84 collected in fees.

Other Business

Zach Baugh gave a presentation regarding his proposed Eagle Scout project. He presented a detailed project summary including quotes for material and labor and asked the Trustees to consider help with funding the project. The structure would be located near the pond at the rear of the township administration building parking lot. The 18 by 20 structure presented for consideration would have a reinforced concrete floor, open sides, and a metal roof.

A brief discussion took place regarding the proposed project.

The Trustees agreed they would consider funding the project but did not want a structure as large as the one proposed. The Trustees asked Zach Baugh to consider a smaller structure and more decorative in nature such as a gazebo.

Matt Montowski said he looked into the 1562 Ponderosa Drive property complaint and there is nothing the township can do about the situation. He said he will follow up with the neighbors who made the complaint.

William Rofkar made a motion to approve a Then and Now Purchase Order for Frank Gates Service Company in the amount of $1,845 for the 2013 Group Rating Fee for services beginning July 1, 2012. Matt Montowski seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried.

Gary Mortus said prior to the meeting Bill Horvath of North Fairway stopped in to discuss his property. Gary Mortus said Bill Horvath could not stay for the meeting but he wanted the minutes to reflect that he said he will be cleaning his property up, mowing, and making it more presentable within the next two weeks.

Gary Mortus made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Matt Montowski seconded the motion.
All voted aye. Meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

______________________________ _____________________________
William Rofkar, Chairman Karen Shaw, Fiscal Officer