Minutes: May 9th, 2009

Catawba Island Township Board of Zoning Appeals

May 13, 2009

The regular meeting of the Catawba Island Township Board of Zoning Appeals was called to order by Chairman Dale VanLerberghe at 7:30 in the conference room. Present were Tom Anslow, Jack DeVore, Dale VanLerberghe, Bryan Baugh, Sandra Erwin and Pat Cerny. The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by the introduction of Board members and a brief overview of the meeting proceedings.

Dale VanLerberghe asked for a motion to remove from the table Case #059200, first heard November 12, 2008. Jack Devore made the motion to remove Case #059200 from the table, seconded by Bryan Baugh. Jack DeVore, yes; Bryan Baugh, yes; Sandy Erwin, yes; Tom Anslow, yes; and Dale VanLerberghe, yes.

CASE #059200 – Bruno Ciotola - 1541 N. Anchor - R-4
The request is for a reduction of the setback to 1-1/2 feet from the right of way to put an addition onto an existing garage. A variance would allow for the expansion of the existing garage and would allow enough room to park one car in the garage eliminating one car that is currently parked outside. This would actually result in the car being parked further from the roadway.

The only correspondence was a copy of a Compliance Committal submitted from Jim Vacha, Chairman of the Compliance Committee of Harbor Park Marina. The correspondence states that the description addition of one car garage by the member applying has been okayed as far as the measurements go and the measurements are critical upon beginning of construction.

John Oney, architect for the project, spoke on behalf of Bruno Ciotola and showed Board members sketches for the project. John Oney clarified some of the confusion with the project specifications from the November meeting. He noted the project would consist of a single garage door and the roof line would be an extension of the existing garage roof line, out a little further and up slightly higher.

Laura Mahlich, neighboring property owner, expressed concern with potential downspout water run off from the addition reaching her property. She requested a stipulation be made concerning the issue of water drainage. John Oney said they have committed to divert the drainage away from 1531 N. Anchor, the property in question.

Dale VanLerberghe closed the discussion to the floor and opened it to Board members only. Tom Anslow recapped the request which is amending the variance request from the original 1-1/2 feet to a five foot setback.

Bryan Baugh made a motion to approve Case #059200 as amended to show a five foot setback from the right-of-way and any run off drainage from the new construction will be routed to the channel. Sandra Erwin seconded the motion. Bryan Baugh, no; Sandy Erwin, yes; Tom Anslow, yes; Jack DeVore, no; and Dale VanLerberghe, no. Case #059200 failed by a vote of 3 to 2.

Jack DeVore made a motion to approve the minutes as presented from the April 8 Board of Zoning Appeals meeting. Bryan Baugh seconded the motion. Jack DeVore, yes; Bryan Baugh, yes; Tom Anslow, yes; Sandy Erwin, abstain; and Dale VanLerberghe, yes.

Sandy Erwin made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Jack DeVore seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned.

