Minutes: February 26th, 2020

FEBRUARY 26, 2020
No attendees

Members of the Commission in attendance were Chairman Jordan Davenport, Paul Shaw, Ron Wiseman, Lewis Mindlin, Jeff Green, Alternate Dr. Gregory Hart, and Secretary Todd Bickley.

Chairperson Jordan Davenport called the meeting of the Catawba Island Township Zoning Commission to order at 7:00 p.m. For the record, he identified the date as February 26, 2020.
Agenda Item 1 – Request for a Zoning Amendment
Secretary Bickley indicated that the zoning office has not received a zoning amendment application.
Agenda Item 2 – Approval of Minutes
No corrections or additions were made to the January 22, 2020 Meeting Minutes and they stand approved as emailed.
Agenda Item 3 – Unfinished Business
Todd Bickley reviewed the proposed text amendments, which consisted of sign definitions; sign height limitation; an identification sign for subdivisions, condominiums, or other developments in the “A” District; and accessory building changes. Chairman Davenport questioned whether an accessory building size limitation should be placed on accessory buildings in the “C-5” Trailer Camp District. The commission members agreed that an accessory building in the “C-5” District will be limited to 2,000 square feet.
Jeff Green made a motion to adopt the proposed text amendments, including the addition to the “C-5” Trailer Camp District, and initiate the text amendment process. The motion was seconded by Ron Wiseman. All members voted in the affirmative. Chairman Davenport did not vote.
Mr. Bickley indicated that a public hearing will be scheduled for March 25, 2020, which is the next regularly scheduled Zoning Commission meeting. The Ottawa Regional Planning Commission will review the text amendments on March 17, 2020. Once a recommendation is made by the Zoning Commission, the Township Trustees will schedule a public hearing and make a final decision.
Agenda Item 4 – New Business
No new business to conduct.
Agenda Item 5 – Other Business
Mr. Bickley informed the Commission that the appeal by Jeff Jadwisiak of the BZA’s approval of the Miller Boat Line use variance for a parking area expansion was dismissed.
Mr. Bickley noted that the Township Trustees adopted changes to the zoning fees, which were reviewed. The fees will become effective March 1, 2020.
The next meeting of the Catawba Island Zoning Commission is Wednesday, March 25, 2020 at 7:00 p.m.
With no other business to conduct, Chairman Davenport adjourned the meeting at 7:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,

Todd Bickley